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Full moon craziness

If you're wondering why you're feeling all crazy inside... it's because of the full moon, which is also being eclipsed this evening. I don't mean to sound like some crazed hippie preaching about the ways of the land, but I just thought I'd put it out there in case you're wondering why you feel all shook up inside.

Perhaps you are one of the lucky people not really affected by the lunar pattern and to you I raise my middle finger in silent jealousy.

I am not one of those people. No. I am the type that wind up sputtering and foaming at the mouth at 2 am in some packed ER, wondering what the hell got me here in the first place. Ok that's a little dramatic but I most certainly am not the girl-next-door on full moons.

In case you think I'm talking mumbo jumbo, we must look at the way Le Lune affects the earth's rotation, affected by the ocean's wave pattern, an ocean made of water, water that makes up around 65% of our total body... and you question why it would affect us little peeps? People get real here, this isn't hairy-fairy hippy stuff, it's science. Perhaps unproven but ask any doctor or nurse in the ER on a full Moon night and they will tell you the crazies come out when the moon is shining.

So my point is this... if you are feeling a little off, maybe a little crabby or tired, or wanting to rip someone's throat out, don't worry it's only the Moon... you're just fine.

If you start to turn into a wolf-like creature around midnight that might be an issue to take to your local doctor. But don't go to ER that's where the crazies will be.

My photo- my eye
Happy full moon eclipse day.

1 comment:

Shane Yuhas Photo Blog said...

that was me yesterday. it messed me up. and i remember when that photo was taken. i was right beside you. and it was at that sweet condo you were in while your basement suite was being renovated after the flood. am i right?

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